
Giget is the region’s newest temporary and part-time job platform, connecting retail, tech, FMCG, and events companies with talented and readily-available temp staff. The platform allows companies to seamlessly search for, interview, hire, and manage temp staff without requiring third-party providers. Looking to hire temp staff for your next event or campaign? Join Giget and get started today?

Save up to 80% in hiring time

Hire temp staff within 24 hours

Find candidates with their own residence visa

Get access to 300+ readily available temp staff

Discover talent

Post jobs on your own terms, with your specific requirements. Discover how many eligible candidates are available per your criteria using the candidate availability meter. Rest assured, you’ll only receive applications from candidates that meet your selection criteria.

Control your budget

Set your project budget before you start hiring, that way you’ll make sure you’re hiring candidates within your budget range.

Interview and hire seamlessly

Tired of creating spreadsheets and calendar reminders to track your applicants and interviews? With Giget, you can manage the whole hiring and interviewing process through one dashboard. What’s more, the platform will auto generate offer letters to the candidates you choose to hire so you don’t have to worry about manually creating offers.

Manage your employee rosters

Create customized work rosters and schedules for each of your employees. The Rosters dashboard makes it easy to manage multiple employees, assigning their shifts, hours, working locations, and products.

Location Geotagging

Keep track of your staff punch-in activity and ensure that they’re starting their shifts in their scheduled time, at their designated location.

View timesheets

Get live updates on your staff timesheets, punch in/out, and earned salaries. Approve leave days and salary deductions for missed days and late punch-ins

Make payments

Release staff payments at the end of the project after you’ve approved all bonuses and deductions to ensure your temp staff are getting paid fairly and efficiently.